Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas came and went...

...and now it's New Years Ever?!

Wow, time is flying !

I guess this must be what it's like to work during the Christmas Holiday. Svein and I had about 2-3 days off from school (including the weekend) for Christmas and those few days flew by! We celebrated Christmas morning with traditional Stocking and Christmas Tree gifts.

Then we decided to head out for a verrrry cold and windy run - even though we would much rather have stayed in the warm apartment. But, tradition is tradition!
We prepared an awesome Christmas dinner, sans turkey, which at first seemed kind of intimidating! We don't have a proper oven and we have very limited kitchen space so making a Christmas dinner was somewhat challenging!

Needless to say, we were able to produce some damn good stuffing (a la frying pan), mashed potatoes, garlic bread, veggies, roasted chicken and dessert!

Svein's friend Matt, from back home in New Brunswick, joined in our Christmas dinner celebration!

We'd like to thank everyone for all of their wonderful Christmas wishes, notes and gifts! It was so nice to hear from everyone during the holidays! Christmas isn't the same without you all so it was so great to hear from you! Love to you all! xoxo

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